170-01 - Introduction to Industrial Math

170-01 - Introduction to Industrial Math

Learning objectives

  • Explain the rules for rounding numbers
  • List the mathematical order of operations
  • Identify the principles of exponents
  • Identify the principles of square roots
  • Explain how a calculator can be used for operations with exponents and square roots

Course overview

The Introduction to Industrial Math training course lays a foundation for developing and interpreting data in technical and industrial applications. It explains the mathematical order of operations, exponents, and square roots.

This online training course includes:

  • Rounding numbers
  • Mathematical order of operations
  • Working with exponents
  • Working with roots
  • Using a calculator for exponents and roots

This course is part of the Industrial Mathematics training series.

  • 50 minutes
  • Format: Online Interactive
  • English
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