553-02 - Introduction to the Feedwater System

553-02 - Introduction to the Feedwater System

Course overview

As discussed in the previous lesson, industrial boilers need a constant supply of water while operating. This water is supplied by both the condensate system and the feedwater system. The feedwater system is essential to all power plants that rely on steam production to generate electricity. This system, along with the condensate system, reuses water for steam production as part of the boiler steam and water cycle.

The Introduction to Feedwater System training course examines the feedwater system, which supplies high-pressure water to the steam drum when the boiler is operating. Understanding the components of this system is needed to safely operate power plant boilers.

This online training course explains the feedwater flow path, boiler feed pumps, and feedwater heat exchanges. It is part of the Condensate and Feedwater Systems training series.

  • 60 minutes
  • Format: Online Interactive
  • English , Spanish
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