563-03 - Heat Transfer Principles

563-03 - Heat Transfer Principles

Course overview

Efficiency improvement is an ongoing task in power plants. The ability to effectively transfer heat is one of the functions that optimizes efficiency. Almost every component in the plant uses heat transfer as its main or secondary function. Understanding basic heat transfer concepts is necessary to understand how equipment works and how to troubleshoot when things go wrong.

The Heat Transfer Principles training course identifies the primary parameter that causes heat transfer. It explains the three types of heat transfer and their characteristics. It also describes conditions and problems that negatively affect proper heat transfer. This online course explores heat transfer rate given operating parameters in heat transfer equipment. This online training course includes:

  • Heat transfer basics
  • Heat conservation
  • Heat transfer rate
  • Heat transfer problem analysis

Heat Transfer Principles is part of the Efficiency, Reliability, and Environmentally Sensitive Operations training series.

  • 55 minutes
  • Format: Online Interactive
  • English
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