419-03 - MOV Disassembly and Inspection, Part 2

419-03 - MOV Disassembly and Inspection, Part 2

Course overview

Limitorque® valve operators come in many designs. Their use helps valves operate remotely in a plant. The previous lessons discussed MOV (motor operated valve) maintenance by disassembling and inspecting components for wear and tear. Diligence in this maintenance contributes to longer run times and fewer forced outages, resulting in increased plant efficiency.

The MOV Disassembly and Inspection, Part 2 training course builds on the previous lesson by focusing on the steps to reassemble MOVs. This online course describes the reassemble techniques applied to the SMB 00/000 Limitorque MOV.

This course is part of the Motor Operated Valves training series.

  • 20 minutes
  • Format: Online Interactive
  • English
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